January 29, 2012

My Thought on the Plauge of Acyronims

SOPA, ACTA and PIPA. Common terms for the internet at the moment. The thought is to give the United States law enforcement the ability to illegalize any websites that have any unauthorized streaming, counterfeit goods or copywritted material. Many people think of this as a "censoring of the internet" and are openly fighting the bills by attempting to hack the FBI and other government agencies. The main argument that the defense has is that it would help the entertainment industry by forcing people to buy the CD of that one artist of buying the DVD of that one awesome movie. Many people are outraged, because this is a sign of oppression by the government in a form of saying that they are supporting big business and hate the weak, poor man who can't even pay for his cable, but now he has to pay for his music too. The commonly shouted phrase is, that you don't get to destroy the internet because it doesn't fit the business model you want or that you need to find a new way to market the products that you're making. Unfortunately, this bill would spell the end for our favorite websites like Facebook and Youtube, and already Megaupload was taken down by the FBI and hackers retaliated taking down various government and music sites in protest. (whole story here)

Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure that SOPA, ACTA and PIPA will cause much more harm than any sort of benefits.

-The Observer

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