The railroad track of the the railway is a good example. Don't fall off and be vigilant, because if you ever waver, you can lose your life. The track isn't always secure, some pieces can become loose or rust from disuse. The problem with tracks in good repair is that a train will always be headed to you or on your heels, the most used tracks are as dangerous as an old one over a bridge. The one that has occasional traffic has the greatest integrity and the will gain you the most fame.
The time will come when you misplace a foot and step off the track. lobbyists for your position would be glad to fill your spot, but realize that they aren't you and would have to take time to build the trust you've earned, therefore, it's not about how you fall, but about how you put your feet back on the iron line.
The powerful become the weak and the weak rise, so you must remain in check, for the stronger your support grows, the stronger your enemy becomes. Successful brainwashing takes weeks of no results. Suspicion becomes curiosity and curiosity transforms into doubt. Doubt can be utilized. You can always control doubt through appeal. Though doubt is the easy road, it's a road that one can easily lose everything one. If one person can prove you wrong, you will traverse such a great distance that you can never recover the distance.
Place yourselves in situations where you know that you can easily better yourselves. Place yourselves in situations where you know you are better and you will succeed. For the biggest candle in a bright room is weaker than a small flame in a dark hole. The best treasures are one you'll never expect to find and the most warmth you enjoy is in the dead of winter.
Appreciation is most often only had after a need from suffering has aroused, so the darker your story, the more recovery you can have. Don't be the idiot who inflicts upon himself, for you shall not be pitied, but ridiculed. Those who rise from the depth by themselves deserve the respect that we give to them. The way to earn that respect and dig a trench to weather it is through manipulation and mind play.
Control your words, for they determine your mindset and attitude. You can assist in making your own happiness. Your outlook determines your rise. The more benevolent you become, the more you can shine. A swift evil is pursued by drawn out punishment. Train you mind to only look at details and then connect them, details decide us and conclusions made on them can break your dissent.
-The Observer