A prisoner being moved at Black Dolphin Prison |
The next prison is The Vladimir Prison. It is a lot like the first and includes famous inmate like Stalin's Son, Vasily Dzhugashvili. It held political prisoners and is fully operational today. Their dogs are 6ft tall standing and can reach up to 200lbs. in weight.
One of the 200lbs dogs. |
Russia has an enormously larger murder rate than the US and, i think, that their tattooes look so interesting and resemble paintings and sculptures. With the rates of crime in Russia, I wonder is it really fair for the inmates? I mean of course, these people have done terrible things and deserve punishment, but does that mean that the people in the US shouldn't have it easier than those in Russia? Even a criminal has a family that loves them and I wonder how thousands of people sent away for life don't have protests for their release.
Tatts |
Russian culture is obviously different than the US's, but in the US, appeals are made more frequently and first time offenders are let off much easier than these inmates. Their first time offender's prison is a high security prison in the bitter cold. Where as the first time offenders in the US just have to be in medium security prison for a longer time. One of the countries has a problem with their prison systems, but which one is it? Is America to lax, or is Russia to strict?
American Prisons have just as many downfalls and with the "War of Drugs" the incarceraton rate is enormous and just barely ahead of Russia. This has been associated with how the US's laws of mandatory sentences and huge return rates just escalate the money forced from tax payer hands. It is known that the Russians have very strict rules in prison and the inmates and jailers both think American prisoners have it off easy. This likely lack in adequate punishment just fusterates the criminals and doesn't influence them to change their ways.
Along with the huge incarceration rates, it has been shown that in developed countries, we hold many more black people and women than anywhere at all. This is angled at discrimnation in laws and association crimes. Profiling and steryotyping leads to more arrests on minorities and racism is still pervelent in American society.
In Russian Prisons, for example there seems to be a brotherly compainionship between inmates. There is no need of inner prison gangs or violence. Rarely is there ever a killing and fewer people are convicted of gang activities. This is not say that the mafia in Russia doesn't exist, it is just trying to say that there is no gang wars going on in Russia.
From the documentary, I've learned that the prisons in Russia can be very strict and in America, a maxium security prison is very bad at preventing crime compared to Russian maxium security prisons like Black Dolphin. If we combine some of the qualities from both prisons, I am sure that eventually, we will find a medium that will lower the incarceration rate and help levy the burden of criminals on America.