April 24, 2012

Free Will

Do we truly have free will? Can we really shape our destinies or is something stronger than us controlling our decisions? I think that to a point, we have control over specific indivisual things like what to do in a very specific time between eating or sleeping or talking or remaining silent, but for almost anything else, we have no choice. Each day we are influenced to do not want we want, but what society wants. In a few years I will go to college. I do not want to go to college at all, but the government, the economy and other people are influencing me so greatly to go to college, that I will.

What is frightning is that when we look at the things that we want, it isn't likely what we want, but just what we are made into wanting. I've heard of teachers who went back to school twice to get a degree in business, psychology and finally get a teaching degree while playing football until both of his kids were born. Today he is happy and will tell you about the times in his life where he made the mistake of trying to make so much money. He went to business school because, "society told me I needed money and business is where the money is." He eventually grew discontented and began to hate his job and life at his firm. He got out of it and is happy as a coach and teacher.
White People

In society, what is hard to comprehend is how their are two different cultures at the same time. As human beings, we have a drive and need to belong. We usually act fairly similar to each other to fit in with each other. The better we are at fitting in, the better we feel about ourselves. What the problem is, is that currently, there is only two cultures in our society. As hipsters would put it, theres the mainstream and as historians would call it, there is also the counter culture. When as a child, you are brought up to be both unique and the same, it has a certain undefinable effect on you. It is as if our whole lives are in conflict of just two sides. Political parties, Justin Beiber fans and haters, religous people and aethists and a whole number more.

When you try to be different and make your own descions, you become a part of the counter culture that is another group just as large as the mainstream. You can't take a step in any direction but that of enslavement to society, no matter how hard you try.
-The Observer

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