January 22, 2012

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Anti-Jokes turn jokes into statements making things that seem to obviously start of as a joke end up tragically, resulting in humor through the unexpected. Pulling on people's imaginations, overused jokes, prevalent racism, sexism and antisemitism, these jokes make people laugh at the unrealistic (for a joke) answers. Many are considered "crossing the line" but a good number are appropriate.

Some that are considered anti-jokes from anti-joke.com include, but are not limited by:

Your mama is so fat, diet and exercise would probably save her life.

How do you punish an electrician?           Kill his family.

What happens when you step on a bear trap?          A lot of pain.

What did the black guy say to the white guy?          I'm black.

Why did the chicken commit suicide?         To get to the otherside.

What do Chinese kids make for father's day?          Shoes.

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?         The Holocaust.

An Irishman walks out of a bar.

Your friend is so gay that he has consensual sex with other men and enjoys it.

What would George Washington do if he were alive today?          Scream and scratch at the top of his coffin. 

What did the boy with no arms and no legs get for Christmas?          Cancer. 

How many Jews does it take to change a light bulb?          Two, one to change it and the other to hold the ladder so the first man won't fall and hurt himself.

What did the homeless man get for Christmas?         Nothing.

 Even if you said to yourself, "This isn't funny," many people would disagree, but everyone will agree that they are wrong most of the time. But like race jokes, they are told for the purpose of laughing and not belving.

I find it impressive how these jokes operate, they draw on many concepts to make humor without actually having a punchline. As the trend continues for off-color jokes, I will be watching.

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