January 16, 2012

Is This Faith?

I'm a Christian. Easy enough to say, but I think that it's the hardest thing in the world to find a good church that I agree with. I won't write that I'm a perfect all-knowing man who understands his faith so well that it's bullet proof to change, but I will say that in the past few months, I've been going to many churches in a hope to find a church that I will support. I've sit in on many services at different churches, and through inspection, I can tell you that, all Houses of God are generally the same. Everybody is nice and thoughtful. Everyone is polite and respective to each other. Each place looks different, yes, but the amount of people of different age groups in each pew is about the same. Generally a good 40% of the churchgoers are between the ages of 35 and 55. Few people are into their old age and there is almost always only a few people that are 18 to 25 years of age. There is always a lot of kids and a sizable group my age, between the ages of 14 and 18.

Everybody will tell you their church is the best and that their views is always the right one. Each church will revolve around one of two defaults, either a very contemporary sermon with chanting and a silence while the Pastor explains deep thoughts on the world, or a sermon that is very new age with screaming and lessons on everyday problems that seem like you should already know this, but there is always a twist or a larger meaning. Many churches offer an open communion which, I don't necessarily disagree with, but I will if the pastor or ushers strongly imply that if you don't go up there you are wrong.

I've been searching for a good church for a while and I will tell you right now that if you go for the people in the congregation, you'll be stuck, because you'll feel like you'll offend the people you'll like. If you go for the words, you can rest assured that you can get along with the people. What amazes me, is that of all the places, only the people at one church understand my struggle for the search that I've set for myself. They wont guilt me into staying and won't argue with me, they just want to help and this is what makes me want to stay. As was at their alter, praying this Sunday and a man I know came up to me bowed his head and said quite loudly, "Lord, help him find his church." I know that I might just be pulling gold from a vat of manure, but it just feels right. I won't get lax and try to overlook the faults of the place, but I will say that the atmosphere feels great and I feel understood by more than just God. I'm glad for that place.

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