January 08, 2012

Doctor's Note

What the internet does to me is only frustrate me. When it takes me 6 hours of negotiating with a machine that's dealing with satellites and a internet company to write one blog post required, for school, it makes me wonder, what's the point? If I cannot do something in a reasonable time, why is it that I should fail. When I write on here, you may not see it, but the pure anger I establish for this website in itself is immense. Right now, these words will probably take me half of the night to say so that I can get a passing grade in a class that only applies to my GPA and not own interest.

The pressure that I get to go to college, which I'll say is inevitable for every single youth these days, is at a point that I know that I must compete with every single other person my age right now and that each mistake that I have ever made sense I was 5 is documented and debated for its significance. The college that I'm forced to buy myself into in a few short years will force me into debt just to get a job that I'll hate if I want money or one that I like, but get little to none. The biggest problem is that no matter what, I can not be taught what I love or what to love. Schools give us no chance to explore our ideas by mashing all the useless stuff together with what matters and saying to us that what we have no care for, whether it be history or math, is as important as the things we love.

I find that it's quite ironic that our greatest renown geniuses were terrible students. I'm led everyday to believe that it is because they understand the importance of education itself that is that we are to learn only what is important, not what isn't. People can live their whole lives not knowing Hitler if they know that it's wrong to believe they are better than others. What bothers me is the complexity of statements like that, that which we aren't taught.

We all know that we should compare ourselves to others, but can you really say that we are in the wrong if you know you're smarter than that cheater sitting next to you that has only learned one thing in school, charisma and how to hide paper. But then again, he's a genius in itself. He found out how to exploit the system so that he can get further in life. He's a man or woman that realized the end goal and took a step to place themselves in advantage with less work. I find it that in our schools, frustrated people are those who are honest, good people, but end up with less to show for it because the exploiter generation born in a climate of competition has outsmarted them. The working man is second to the working-less man because the working-less man realized that his life is controlled by what people look at as good, but can be easily faked.

The simplest fact that I can rest with is that our society thinks that those who make money are those who should be raised on a pedestal for being a great person, while those who make little money are happy with what they got, because they realize that the cliche, money is not happiness, is the truest thing that they know. They still have jobs because they understand the backside to that specific argument; that sometimes, others make us have money. I have a job, solely because if I didn't, my parents would have to pay for everything they are now, plus all the things I'm required to do, like drive to school. If I didn't, my things would become even more outdated. If I didn't, my life would be ruined, because those around me judge me for what I'm not. Since I do, I'm able to have a sensible life where I have what people expect me to and my parents can rest assured that I'll grow up like them.

Knowledge shouldn't define a man, but now, sense that's all people care about these days, it does. I know that when I go to college, I will be forced to take general education classes, where throughout lectures, I will learn meaningless facts about the proper placements of commas and the evolutionary history of mankind. Some will argue that a comma will determine many things and the evolutionary history of mankind proves that we are all the same, but I will argue that even if I don't know where to put a comma, I know how to talk, if i don't know our monkey ancestors, I still know that the only difference between me and another in Brazil is just our thoughts and identity that we cherish, like the white teenager down the street and all of us.

Schooling focuses on what it wishes from us, not what we want from ourselves and through this, a philosophy is developed that we are expected to try and help mankind, even if it means that we will be hapless souls on an unquenchable quest to end what it does to us. No matter what feminism did in the 20th century, there is still sexism and even if women start to earn more and more money, where does that leave men? Are we to be punished, or discriminated against because more and more things have been springing up to woman's aid, saying things like that they are better at cooperating, do better on tests, learn better and are less stressed to name a few (socyberty).

Complex issues require simple answers that attack a root problem. Schools don't say that. Sure they imply it, like in math when teaching how to solve equations and getting a simple/r solution. But this doesn't answer why the problem was there in the first place. Simple answers require creativity and creativity requires that we don't break our children into rationalizing everything. Let there be unknowns, because then we know that there is still a distance left to travel IF we choose to.

Ease of access is what my teacher is trying to do, and I know he will at least scam through this, so I'd like to apologize that I think that this blogging idea is a waste of time when: first, it's so unreasonably long that you either suffer in one class or the rest of them, or that the vagueness of the assignment gives us no real knowledge of our progression, mainly making us not know what to do, putting our minds into unease, because we can't think or a good thing to say. Our minds spin like the gears of a bicycle without a wheel to move us and what you do to provoke the thoughts you want make us pedal harder and go nowhere. Please, give us a wheel, a method, a topic, a hope, a want, an anything to allow us to pedal with results.
Sorry Doctor

-The Observer, a person grounded because of what the establishment thinks is important. 1212 words, 4 hours of trouble and 1 sleepy teen.

1 comment:

  1. As we think doctors are 2nd one after God. But there are some doctors who just have little knowledge . As doctors are much necessary for the health. people should use a perfect experienced doctor.so these doctors should increase there knowledge. As these notes are much helpfull for ongoing students as well as others also.

    blank doctors note
