December 01, 2011


Occupy Wall Street is growing in popularity as the slogan of the non-violent campaign being "We are the 99%" is seen worldwide. The movement is trying to take power from the richest people in the world who control countries and peoples. As terrible as the situation sounds, a large part of the protest is optimistic.

With the recession and the enormous debt in the USA, fears have risen about retirement packages, 401ks among various benefits and politician's have to react to the demands of the populous. The problem is very vague and can't be direct. The hardest thing that needs to occur is finding out what the problem is itself. In America, we have many institutions that are supposed to help us live. According to many people: banks, insurance companies and many staggering corporations have taken control of daily life.

Mainly, this is a fiscal problem. Our government attempts to cut back on expenses and destroys things that we need and want to provide for yourself and those who depend on us. Stemming from education concerns, financial aid has been decreasing for years and our nation being raised in a sense that you MUST have a college degree, has grown fearful that college is only for those who can afford it. Sometimes even if you do get a degree and the profession you're seeking is in demand, it is difficult to get a job. Health Care is expensive and necessary. People die, this is a fact. the problem is that the rich live longer than the other classes. The richest people can afford the things that get expensive. This angers people, because they think that the rich abuse the poor and control the raising of payments and just get richer as the poorer people just get poorer.

The jealously of the middle and the lower classes frightens the upper classes which in turn starts a cycle of contests for control.
Propaganda of the occupy movement.

This fear starts with domination and is clearly seen in the media as police forces or swat teams spraying crowds of people with pepper spray. This is stupid. Since the cause has very shoddy organization, if you did nothing, then the populace would just quite down. Since the government is reacting violently, it's getting much more support than it should. The media exemplifies the protestors' pleas and villainizes the police force and government.
A widely seen image of a police officer dousing a crowd of college kids associated with OWS.

Some news companies and websites have even called this movement a catalyst for class warfare. The people are starting to get impatient and don't want to have to wait until the next election for change. This impatience and lack of hesitation from the government causes strife. People want the current officials to change.

Personally, I think that the movement has a good root idea and cause, but the bandwagon it's receiving is making it look stupid. the large amount of protestors will say one of two things when asked, "Why are you protesting?" one being the textbook definition and same old answers you'll hear anywhere or the second being how they "Want to remove tyranny," "Stop suffering," or "End discrimination!" these things are only loosely based to the movement itself and I truly believe that this makes these people looked like brainwashed idiots. The movement was not to remove tyranny, it's to correct the current beliefs of Washington. Even though the reason people are protesting is because of their suffering, it's more about policies that make them suffer and not the cause itself, being, usually, bad luck and self blame. And ending discrimination is nowhere near the basics of the thought of Occupy Wallstreet, poor have the unfair, millinea old, disadvantage of lack of wealth. this doesn't automatically mean that they are cursed. People with power, status and money realize this (usually) and won't discriminate against them. This movement doesn't care if you are a racist, anti-semi or ignorant, if you have a legitimate claim to harm, you're accepted.

The only video that I've seen that can easily portray the reasons that I've seen is this one,

The Top Comment being;

1. End the Fed.
2. Free Energy for the World.
3. Resource based Economy.
4. Human Evolution.

All of which are all to radical or impossible and I personally think, ignorant and stupid.

If the Federal Government was ended, there would be no end to the problems we would face. If we want better benefits for life, we need a federal government so that we would actually get tehem.

If the US, no lets say every developed country was to supply free energy to the WHOLE world every country's economy would tank because of the soon massive need and loss of jobs because you'd have to volunteer to maintain the facilities because there is no profit. Also, the countries that get power decide who in them gets to have electricity. This power we give their national government is so huge that it is hard to say what is better to do, Give them power, or withhold the power.

A resource based economy is outdated which contradicts his fourth point and would result in mass suffering because people depend on service based jobs for almost everything from a job to help on something that they are doing.

His last point about "Human Evolution" is so vague that you can't understand what he means. Does it mean a universal belief in evolution? Or something simpler like a controlled advancement of culture and science to a point of godliness? This vague comment annots me. it presents no plan and can't really show any in depth thought.

All in all the points he present have no plan and are therefore useless, because how can you tell a government not to exist by mere protests. It's pretty stupid. I'm not entirely convinced that this person understands what he's talking about. The words he present don't come with an argument and if they did, it would be flawed. the contradictions that he has in his words and are very strong. If a collaboration of people united for a common purpose is government and the government is an advancement from personal achievement, then how is the next step, dissenting from the government?

The very basic identity of the argument against an unpopular government is sound, but the piling on of people's complaints don't help.

If you need some complaints from the protestors, go to this website.

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