October 16, 2011

Skill Set 7

Skill Set 7:

The Art of Writing

It's hard to come up with Ideas to write with when put on the spot. So in the manner of great conspiracies, I'm going to write about writing and try to make you understand about understanding. Almost like a double-negative and portrayed in the movie Inception, this post will be about the duality of writing. Call it writer's block, call it a late Sunday night, but, writing isn't always butterflies and ponies.

Grammar is an art perfected in continuous practice and use. Most basic grammar is used in the same way as it is used in speaking. Commas in pauses and periods at logical ends of sentences. Paragraphs start at the either the beginning of new thoughts or at the change of perspective. Other rules have been made to fill thousands of pages of text books so, since I won't bore you with all of the them, let us travel to the next concept.

Good writing can usually be said as a speech. If your words become to lengthy and your sentences seem confusing you and others feel like your thoughts and expressions are bad, change. Practice speaking your words and try to make them comprehensive. Do not get angry at those who criticize you, for they are trying to help you see your mistakes so you would not make them again. If you feel as if you could say your writing in a speech and convince others that your thoughts are important, then you know you did a good job.

Writing in itself is not something automatic and like languages, it requires continuous pursuit in order to perfect. Just realize that your words are important and your perspectives are important because, you are truly unimportant if you believe this of yourself.

Since I don't want to get into the mechanics and usage of writing (which would take decades to fully explain), I recommend reading other people's works. The more you read, the more you practice writing. Copy and personalize other people's styles, eventually create your own type of writing that you can be proud of.

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